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E-Book "Framed By The Courts Freed By The Spirit"

E-Book "Framed By The Courts Freed By The Spirit"

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This book reveals the true laws, process and procedures that they DON"T WANT US TO KNOW. This book is for anyone who is being unlawfully held in jail and facing criminal prosecution in the United States. This book is for anyone being framed by the system, unfairly. And wants to learn the truth, their rights and how to fight back against this unjust system. This Book exposes in detail how corrupt Cook County Circuit Court, and Jail officials, Steger Police Department, FBI Agents, Wood County Wisconsin Circuit Court, Marshfield Wisconsin police and Cook County DCFS officials all conspired to kidnap 3 baby girls of color and frame their mother for fake Child Abduction charges all on the false claims from a down low homosexual/FBI informant who was the alleged father of one of the children. Who became bitter after being exposed for being a DL brotha and a snitch for the Feds.
The book details the unlawful seizure and kidnapping of the children at gunpoint from the mother by 4 Caucasian males all wearing FBI vests without any lawful FBI authorization to seize the children.
These false charges would go on to be used to keep the mother unlawfully restrained in Cook County Jail for over three years.
Cook County Circuit Court and Jail would go on to conspire with Cermak Hospital Psychiatric doctors to create false reports of meetings with the mother while in jail that never occurred and fabricated claims of mental illness symptoms that never occurred and create knowingly false diagnosis of schizophrenia and delusion falsely labeling have the mother involuntarily placed in Mental Hospitals, the jail psych ward and have her held with severely mentally ill unstable and extremely dangerous psych patients as an escape risk for over 2 years in life threatening inhumane unsanitary torturous conditions on 22 hour per day lock down.
The book details the mothers fight to enforce the right to litigate the case herself and the efforts to force ineffective counsel upon the mother and for a plea deal. As well as the uncovering and proving of the fact that Cook County Circuit Court manufactures false indictment transcripts of indictments that never occurred. And are being used to hold thousands of inmates unlawfully in Cook County Jail for years without due process of law.
The book details the spiritual elevations and revelations made by the mother that were necessary to be reached before she would be allowed to leave this jail. A describes the intervention of Jehovah God the holy spirit and Jesus Christ to fulfill her destiny and to guide her on this spiritual journey. And use her as a vessel to teach and to free others from this oppression and persecution at the hands of this cruel and unjust system.
She would go on to learn the law and successfully have both cases dismissed without the help of any attorney or public defender. And begin to fight for her children to be returned who have since been removed by the down low homosexual alleged father and unlawfully removed from the state and concealed for over 4 years and counting with the help of corrupt Cook County Circuit Court officials.
This book reveals the strategy used by the state in criminal prosecutions. And a very little known conspiracy that I uncovered that Cook County Circuit Court is running against the people. That could be used to potentially overturn thousands of unlawful convictions, and potentially lead to the release of thousands of inmates.

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