BCOI stands for breaking the curse of incarceration. As founder of the organization, I am currently actively performing many of the following services, at a much smaller scale than projected in the near future. Which securing funding for our organization will make more of a reality. Our organization plans to offer the following services to the community once we are properly established:Our foundation will be feeding the homeless one meal per day within the city of Chicago. In the winter months we will focus on serving hot meals, and hot beverages as well. We will provide housing for the homeless at one of our properties located at 11825 S Lasalle Chicago Illinois 60628. If we can secure the proper government funding to achieve this goal. This property is currently in need of extensive repairs. And must be brought into compliance and up to city code before being approved for such use. We will be assisting the homeless with obtaining government funded housing through the Section 8 program, and or rental assistance through VA programs etc.We will be providing the homeless individuals portable showers, clothing, hygiene products, jobs, and skill building services.We will be providing legal assistance to our clients who are dealing with oppression, and injustice, unlawful restraint, and incarceration. We will be assisting families of incarcerated parents with financial burdens, such as back to school needs, utilities, food and housing. As much as possible, we will assist with locating housing, jobs, necessary services, and vouchers etc. This area is clearly underserved, and an extreme need is to be filled in this area. And will help to solve problems of the community as a whole. And also to provide spiritual services, guidance, prayer and counseling.Through an established prayer line which incarcerated individuals can access free of charge.                                              Our mission is to basically serve as a support system for families and underserved communities, and individuals. To help uplift those who are struggling in life with no support, and nowhere else to turn. Our organization will serve as a ray of light for the community, and as hope for those dealing with disparities in our community. Our foundation strives to assist all community members as much as possible. We will help in developing life skills to help them become a valuable member, and asset to the communities once again. We will stay in close contact with our clients on an as needed support to provide alternatives to a life of crime as a means of survival.We will do this by offering electrical, carpentry, and plumbing apprenticeship programs. We will assist, and train all individuals of the community. But will mainly focus on youth, and males of color. But no one is turned away.
